The black cells on each row sum up to the number on the right. 6 x 6 - Easy - Medium
Enter the dimensions of Kakuro (including empty boxes) and click OK.. The rules are simple. FAQ, Mass Print | The board's squares need to be filled in with these digits in order to sum up to the specified numbers. Each puzzle has exactly one solution, which can be found using logic alone and no guesses are ever required. Daily Kakurasu. 4 x 4 - Easy - Medium
Today's Puzzles. 4 x 4 - Easy - Medium 5 x 5 - Easy - Medium 6 x 6 - Easy - Medium 7 x 7 - Easy - Medium 8 x 8 - Easy - Medium 9 x 9 - Weekly Special. See DetailsThis website uses cookies. If you think you've found another solution, then please double check the rules. A Puzzle Games game. Example: A kakuro of 10x10 Then, indicate the data of Kakuro (the known boxes, the unknown boxes and especially the values of the indices / sums).. By clicking on Resolve, dCode will search for the Kakuro solution and display it. Kakuros. Closed loops are not allowed. The board's squares need to be filled in with these digits in order to sum up to the specified numbers. Shikaku Translate this site. The goal is to make some of the cells black in such a way that: 1. The values of a square are given on the top and left of the grid. If it is second its value is 2 etc. Kakuro puzzles are similar with crosswords, but instead of letters the board is filled with digits (from 1 to 9). Terms & Conditions
BrainBashers Kakurasu have been kindly generated by Otto Janko who runs. They start with 1 (top left) and very new row or column will increase 1 in value. Feedback | If a black cell is first on its row/column its value is 1. Pipes Translate this site. The loop should pass through all black and white circles in such a way that: - White circles … All daily items change at midnight GMT (it is roughly 12:18 AM GMT). 1. 3. The goal is to make some of the cells black in such a way that: 1. Click on ⏭ to go to the next puzzle. By using this website you are accepting the use of cookies.For more information please view the privacy policy. Between brackets is the number of puzzles per level. The black cells on each row sum up to the number on the right. Here you can play Kakuro online puzzles with randomly-generated boards. Rätsel, Puzzles und anderer Denksport (Brainteasers, Puzzles, and other Mindgames) Original content ©Paul Hartzer unless otherwise noted. 3. Mark squares on the grid and add up the numbers of the marked squares to the numbers on the right and bottom of the grid. Specific puzzle | You have to divide the grid into rectangular and square pieces such that each piece contains exactly one number, and that number … LEV: choose your starting level. Welcome to Kakurasu - a logic puzzle with simple rules and tricky solutions. By using this website you are accepting the use of cookies. Other games. Shingoki (Semaphores) is a logic puzzle with simple rules and challenging solutions. 2. ... (Japanese: kurodoko) is a puzzle crated by Nikoli. The rules are simple. The rules are simple. PipesHitoriHeyawakeShingokiMasyuStitchesAquariumTapaStar BattleKakurasuSkyscrapersFutoshikiWord search gamesShakashakaKakuroJigsaw SudokuKiller SudokuBinairoNonogramsSlither LinkSudokuLight UpHashiShikakuNurikabeDominosa. Play online Shikaku the puzzle game also known as Rectngles. The goal is to make some of the cells black in such a way that: 1. Play online Pipes the puzzle game also known as FreeNet. The black cells on each column sum up to the number on the bottom. You have to draw lines between the dots to form a single loop without crossings or branches. 9 x 9 - Weekly Special. Click on a green cell to change it … All content and puzzles copyright 2013-2020 Kakuro Online 5 x 5 - Easy - Medium
Kakurasu is essentially a Latin square with addition. Kakurasu is played on a rectangular grid with no standard size. When you have learned our solving techniques, then you can try to play kakurasu online. Kakuros. Please upgrade to an HTML5 compatible browser. Click on a cell to change it into a green block meaning: this cell is part of the row and column total. Thanks Many thanks are extended to Otto Janko, who runs, for generating the Kakurasu puzzles on BrainBashers. Shingoki Translate this site. By using this website you are also agreeing to the terms and conditions. The rules are simple. Kakurasu is played on a rectangular grid with no standard size. The goal is to rotate the tiles on the grid so all pipes are connected in a single group. Privacy Policy
Kakurasu is played on a rectangular grid with no standard size. START: the puzzle is now loaded and ready to be solved. Kakurasu is a logic puzzle with simple rules and challenging solutions. Daily Kakurasu: Everyday new Kakurasu puzzels in four different sizes.