���&�� Notice when you ran the program a second time, there was a second output line. Write a QBasic program to enter your name and print it. The first word of your program (PRINT) is a command that instructs the computer to print to the QBasic editor’s output screen whatever is inside the quotation marks. %PDF-1.3 ~b�Q���~*�g��k�w`��(��@-��C�\�L��7P���a/33A?0$��D1;�(���O�`r�O $�R������������|];�kL}�8��A1&�&h�&s�=� ���|Lx,%*A�p"r�#iY�5��S�G@" Y���ﵯ��߁��G. It is refreshingly different in a number of ways. 2�%������1�?�;U� These Qbasic program examples are a beginner-level, which mostly will help you to understand the concept of a variable and some basic qbasic statements … �P#aѐx5�'0mi�����X=�����lηO�q�V Reply Delete. >> /Font << /F1.1 9 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 10 0 R >> >> stream Learned Z�����Q����[�c^��ϼ��R������M��=E�Z�]���^\Ҿ�t�e'�H >���#X7"��~���c��{��q�k'��6��� ����
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Beginner's Programming Tutorial in QBasic This document is meant to get you started into programming, and assumes you have some experience with computers and with Windows 95 (or 98, etc.). 0
The aims and objectives of this book is towards adequate and effective knowledge of programming using QBasic. �}�+���E��(E�s2sw���lk��1Z3Q ��l�8���#6=���LWx�����^��"��ݗ�x�����=^���l��ߎ�X��� ��}m�nm��! 2 0 obj write a single Qbasic program to compute the wage earned by an employee named paul who worked for a total of 68hrs 27mins. Since this tutorial is written for people who don't like to read a lot of text, it includes a number of examples. << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /ColorSpace << /Cs1 7 0 R �� �RQ�� LR. However, this book, Practical Computing With QBASIC is not just a book on BASIC programming. h�bbd``b`��S@D$�`Y$x��g+�`�b� �{ �3 ���ҡ�F�%L�L�@#n����_ �;
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