Sociological imagination is one of the interesting concepts in sociology that interlinks the personal and social lives of people.Certain comprehensive examples can help you connect with the term in a better manner. The sociological imagination allows us to grasp the interconnectedness of history and biography. This section will introduce you to C. Wright Mills and his concept of the sociological imagination. For instance, women politicians, gun control, and gay marriage are all examples of sociological significance. The sociological imagination is one of the first concepts studied in a sociology program for a reason. The sociological imagination in an individual's ability to see individual problems or troubles as part of a larger system of complex social forces and historical events … The Sociological Imagination Individuals tend to overlook the fact that significance problems in their life may be relative to society as a whole. C. C sociology attempts to connect individual experiences to a conception of a larger social structure. The readings and videos will also provide a number of examples for us to explore how the sociological imagination can help us make sense of issues like obesity or the rising cost of college textbooks. I do it all the time. Anyone can engage in imagining how their society works, what effects various ways to change it might have, and things of that sort. B sociology should be considered a philosophy rather than a science. Examples of Sociological Imagination to Help Unfold the Concept. The significance of a sociological imagination is that: A sociologists are primarily interested in predicting the future. Sociological significance refers to issues in today's society that are significant. The sociological imagination is a misnomer.