Connect your Chromebook to the same network as your printer. It's great to talk with someone who knows what is going on...I know just enough to get in all kinds of trouble!!!! I know an IT guy named Stanley Hudson who advised me to connect the printer to the chromebook using the IP address then set the IP address equal to the social security of my eldest child. The problem here is that you can’t add a non-cloud ready printer to Google Cloud Print from a Chromebook—it requires Chrome on a Windows PC or Mac. Using a wireless network and have had no problems with my desktop and laptop detecting the printer. If the printer has the touch screen menu choose Setup to begin the Wireless Setup Wizard. Your printer won’t need to be connected to Wi-Fi if it is directly connected to your Chromebook. © 2020 Acer Inc. This can be checked from the front panel of the printer or via the long press of the HP ePrint button. The solution recommended by Google for this issue is to connect the printer to a PC or Mac, register the printer through their OS with GCP and then print from the cloud using the PC or Mac as an intermediary. So, if working within the limitations of the app aren't viable you either need a Windows PC or a Mac to get it working, or a new printer. Please do follow the steps from this document to help you with the issue: Simply ask a new question if you would like to start the discussion again, HP Printers - A [software component] will damage your computer message displays when printing or while installing (macOS), I registered it, did everything its manual said to do, installed it on my Chromebook, but it won't print. Grab your USB cable, plug it in, select the local printer, print. What does the "168" mean, and is it germane to the problem I am having? Printing with a Chromebook. After connecting a printer to Cloud Print, you're ready to print from your Chromebook. At the bottom right, select the time. Unfortunately your printer is just a bit too old to support that. I've tried that. Connect with HP support faster, manage all of your devices in one place, view warranty information and more. When I try to add nearby printers it does not show up as an option, even though the wireless button on the printer is a solid blue (not blinking). A [software component] will damage your computer message displays when printing or while installing - Click Here, Resolve Windows 10 or update issues on HP computer or printer– Click Here. How to connect your Chromebook to a network printer Believe it or not, Chromebooks are capable of printing to network printers, even without the help of Google Cloud Print. Direct connect printing on your Chromebook. You may need to restart Chrome; if this is required, you’ll be given a message on-screen. Printing from a Chromebook should be simple enough, right? Connect your printer to the wireless network on which your Chromebook is connected to. So, if you have a PC or Mac handy, you can add that printer to Google Cloud Print by doing the following: I called Canon. Sign in to your Chromebook and hook it up to the same network as your printer. It only shows Google Drive. If the information I've provided was helpful, give us some reinforcement by clicking the Accepted Solution and Kudos buttons, that'll help us and others see that we've got the answers! thanks for the suggestion, but my printer is not a cloud printer. When you use a cable, you'll see a notification. Wirelessly. Step 2: Pair a Bluetooth accessory. In that case you can try classic printer method to access your printer. Welcome Forum, or learn about our Please check this article for more information: † The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. That is the address I manually inputted on the google printer setup page, however whenever I queried the address from the printer option in google settings, I get ... Make sure your Chromebook or computer and printer are on the same network. First, your HP printer and your Chrome device must be connected to the same network. Sign up for an Acer ID and get exclusive access to deals and the Predator Den community, where you can ask and answer questions about gaming and gear. Ask the community. I have also tried to print while connected via USB and chrome says printing completed succesfully, but nothing happens with the printer. To print from your Chromebook, after it is setup for use with a Windows or Mac computer, it must be set up as a Classic Printer on that computer. Instead of having a direct connection with a printer, Chromebooks use something called Google Cloud Print. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Technology is moving too fast and too commercially for my taste...I guess i'm too old fashion, but then again my first new computer was a TRS 80! When I get to the manage device screen, my Chromebook doesn't show the printer. Chromebooks are weird when it comes to printing, they really want you to print using the Google Cloud Print (GCP) service. To connect to WiFi, click the time at the bottom-right corner of the screen, click the gray funnel-shaped WiFi icon, and then click your network. Get social and introduce yourself bwahahaha. Enter the HP ePrint e-mail address of your printer, click ‘Connect my printer’, and you’ll be set up and ready to print. From the Chrome browser, click the Apps icon in the upper left-hand corner the browser. Can you access this attached document? If I hit the print button in my e-mail program I cannot get beyond the printing screen in google, the same goes for an attachment in the e-mail...however if I save the attachment to lets say a pdf file and then go into the hp print for chrome app and choose to print a document, then access the pdf file in the computer, then I can print it. Just purchased a Chomebook and cannot get it to detect my MP560 printer. Click here to associate your HP printer with Google Cloud Print. By using this site, you accept the. The Chromebook says "printing," but the cloud website says "No print jobs" and "Missing Document." Wireless vs. USB. After troubleshooting i think it may be to do with the fact that the configuration report from the printer says Wifi direct is enabled, so i tried connecting to the IP address of the printer, but chrome just says the connection timed out and nothing comes up so i cant turn it off. Follow any onscreen instructions. oh rats..... the darnedest thing is, the printer was working fine up until the first part of Feb., then things went haywire. It looks like you're new here. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. We want to recognize GAMING6698's dedicated efforts in the Acer Community. This configuration allows you to send documents to a printer wirelessly or physically connect a printer to your Chromebook. The HP Print to Chrome app bypasses the normal print process for the Chrome OS and sends it's data directly to the printer IP address instead of using Google Cloud Print. Select Bluetooth . Open the app to detect supported printers on … Acer Community User Agreement. I am trying to connect my Chromebook to My laserjet Wifi Printer. The only other clean solution is to replace the printer with a new one that supports GCP natively. You can either select File > Print in the menu bar or use the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl + P to begin a print job. Workarounds do exist, but a wireless Epson will go a long way in making your life easier. Your IP addresses are usually assigned by your router, and looks an awful lot like an example instead a normally assigned address. Welcome to the HP Forums I would like to take a moment and thank you for using this forum, it is a great place to find answers. Next, click on the time in the bottom-right corner of the screen. I thought it maybe is an issue with my router being on a different band than 2.4gz, but there is only one option when connecting to the wifi. Your IP addresses are usually assigned by your router, and looks an awful lot like an example instead a normally assigned address. Click on 'Yes' if the comment answers your question. GAMING6698 has become one of the main collaborators since joining the Community in November of 2019.On behalf of all our users and the Acer Team, we thank you for your dedication! An individual Chromebook user would typically install the "WiFi printer driver for Chromebooks" app. For one, Chromebook tablets don’t have USB ports. in our Chromebooks allow you to print as well, but the process is a bit different. Although most Chromebooks can connect to a printer via USB, it is much more convenient to use a wireless printer. to get all If you're using a USB cable, you can skip this step. Connect it to your home network. The HP Print to Chrome app bypasses the normal print process for the Chrome OS and sends it's data directly to the printer IP address instead of using Google Cloud Print. I do know that hp was having security issues with Chromebook.....I wonder if the newest Google OS update created the problem. Select Add a Cloud Ready Printer from the menu on the left side. What is … see the attached document for the problem I am encountering.