You can also find the juice around town, too. Party Like It’s 2408. There are different types of Iranian Raisins such as Golden Raisins, Sultana Raisins (Superior Qualily-Dark color / Light color – Malayer), Black Raisins, Kashmar Raisins and Green Raisins. The bright color of raw pistachios is best here. The five-angled stems are 2 - 3cm in diameter, more or less branched and armed with hard, brown, very acute, spinelike teeth. While their literary masterpiece, Shahnameh is their source of most traditional Muslim names, the Persian Christian culture is the inspiration for the modern names. Inside, the fruit has an off-white (or maybe pinkish) color … Arash climbed a mountain and fired his arrow with such strength that it flew for several hours and landed on the banks of the far-away Oxus River. They are packed with many nutritious compounds such as flavonoids, vitamin C, vitamin A, folate and potassium. When the grapes are dried, the water from the grapes evaporates. Fruits in English! The specific epithet julibrissin comes from the Persian word gul-ebruschin, meaning floss silk, in reference to the silky strands of the flowers.. On one list of ordinary Persians, 72 of them used the word truth alongside their name, such as “Artakama, lover of truth” and “Artastuna, pillar of truth.” Shutterstock. Dried Apricot is a very good source of vitamins A and carotene. Palang, on the other hand, means "leopard" in Persian.A fierce and majestic disposition deserves a royal name, and another perfect Farsi name is Shir or "lion". Each flower forms one fruit. 2. Try our interactive game about Fruit in English (Name the photo of each fruit) See our List of Vegetables in English (with some additional notes) Teacher / Parent Resource. You should eat five servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Fruits / Vegetables ⇒ ميوه ها / سبزيجات /mivehâ – To help you build up your vocabulary we have … parsley. Golden Raisins are from seedless grapes. Apricots were planted in ancient Persia. Some are infused with a sweetener (for example: sucrose syrup) prior to drying. Iran is the third largest producer of raisin in the world. They are also available sliced, flaked, slivered, as flour, oil, butter, or milk (almond milk). A core curriculum of classic Persian favorites can be found on most Persian-American restaurant menus. Here are 10 to try. It is mild and hypoallergenic oil so it is safe even for sensitive skin, including baby skin. It is native to northern Iran, formerly known as Persia. The phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples would reduce the risk of cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. Exposure . Persian dates are used for making breads, pastries and snacks. Eating and chewing apples stimulates the production of saliva in the mouth which as a result lowers the levels of bacteria and reduces tooth decay. Pomegranate is also one of the most ancient fruit trees to be grown. This tree reaches a mature height of 20-40' tall and a width of 15-35'. Iran is one of the biggest producers of Almond – due to its Mediterranean weather! With a Farsi name like Babr - or Babri for females - meaning "tiger", your cat can capture the majestic feel of the king of felines. The name is somewhat misleading, because peaches are not native to Iran. Listen, follow along with the Persian, try to pronounce them, and memorize them. When I was little, my cousins and I loved zoghâlakhte (cornelian cherries). The Arabic word nāranj is the source of Old Italian arancio, “orange tree,” and this word was combined with the Old Italian word mela, “apple,” to make melarancio. Other dry fruits names list. These raisins are sun dried that is why the color is darker. 7. ‘pineapple’. Walnut oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids which is made from nuts that are dried and then cold-pressed. Apples are most cultivated and consumed fruits and among the most popular types of fruit in the world. Traditionally, jeweled rice is a labor-intensive dish; we’ve created a simplified […] If your cat is courageous and bold one, with a flair for daring, Babr is the right name to choose. Persian Fruits & Vegetables. بادمجان has a variation as بادنجان. Black raisins have a very sweet taste and a juicy flavor. We ship anywhere in the US or Canada and our products usually ship the same day you order them, so don't wait. Persian Vocabulary with Prononciation. These raisins are specifically used in bakery for baking bread. Dates are oval-shaped, brown or reddish-yellow, sweet fruits. See more ideas about persian food, snacks, iranian food. Sultana raisins are very sweet and their flavor is compared to honey. Home Conjugator Grammar Keyboard Vocabulary Morphology. Iranian Raisins are one of the most nutritious dried fruits in the world. Vegetarians who are exposed to anemia due to lack of meat are better off taking this fruit. What dishes would you choose if you wanted to introduce or suggest a Persian food to someone?