The name of Strings in C acts as a pointer because it is basically an array. The input data can be read in different formats by using format specifiers. Ask Question Asked 4 years ago. Is there a way to do without using functions? Viewed 5k times -1. Active 4 years ago. Also this function is being deprecated in the latest version of gcc. The standard input can be also called as stdin in C and C++ terminology. 0. 1. scanf() function is used to read input from the console or standard input of the application in C and C++ programming language. C using scanf() on Strings. How would I scan a string of unknown length in c? We scan all the characters in the string if the character isn't a null character then increment the counter by one. You can also find string length without strlen function. In this case, the c type character indicates that the argument is a pointer to a character array. Here you could face buffer overflow issue. To store a string without storing a terminating null character (' \0 '), use the specification %nc where n is a decimal integer. Let's take a look at both the function one by one. To print any string in C programming, use printf() function with format specifier %s as shown here in the following program. Once the null character is found the counter equals the length of the string. Reading Unterminated strings. 0. Display string in C using puts() or fputs() The library function puts()/fputs() writes a line of output to the standard output or a … 0. How to get string of unknown length in C? scanf() and printf() ) merely treat them as strings by writing a 0 at the end of the used space in the char array. C has no string type and is only marginally aware of text in programs. 01-09-2018 #5. laserlight. We can use puts() or fputs() or printf() with %s format specifier. Similarly if you write %*d it will ignore integers until the next space or new line. Use gets() function. The string library functions (incl. View Profile View Forum Posts Visit Homepage C++ Witch Join Date Oct 2003 Location Singapore Posts 28,091. We create our function to find it. Explanation: The %*s in scanf is used to ignore some input as required.In this case, it ignores the input until the next space or new line. C-Strings are actually nothing but arrays of char sized integers. Size of string inputted by user at run-time. There are 3 ways to do this. When I scan numbers I don't need to use enum or define but when I need to scan string or name why I need to use enum or something like define red Last edited by vead; 01-09-2018 at 11:32 AM. When writing interactive programs which ask the user for input, C provides the scanf(), gets(), and fgets() functions to find a line of text entered from the user. See more linked questions. C - use scanf to scan string into an array. String Input: Read a String. Related. Display string in C. There are various methods to display string in C language. C Program to read a string from keyboard and print a string on screen. To scan or get any string from user, you can use either scanf() or gets() function. I am trying to make a program that uses one scansf function to get someones entire name at once and stores each letter in one layer of an array. For example what it … 11. Input a char string with any size-3. String length in C without strlen. Input and output of strings using scanf, printf, gets, puts, getchar and putchar function. scanf() function can read different data types and assign the data into different variable types.