It takes around 3-5 years for a kiwi plant to produce fruits. Kiwi Pruning and Training And kiwi vines grow so much and become overcrowded, so for managing them, pruning is necessary. Propagation. Pruning should be started when you plant the vine. The seeds are highly viable and will freely germinate if sown while still fresh. 2. Start the seeds indoors for transplant after the last frost. Propagate fuzzy kiwi vines from seed in spring when the weather is mild. So you have to be patient. Scoop out the pulp from inside a ripe fuzzy kiwi. Sprinkle the sand and seed mixture … Seed Propagation. How To Propagate Kiwi? Mix the tiny dustlike seeds with a pinch of fine sand to make sowing easier. It is up to you. As I already mentioned in my kiwifruit pollination post, kiwi propagation from seeds is not usually recommended because it is a long and difficult process: much better results can be obtained with grafting and properly propagating kiwifruit from a mature plant that is already producing. Before propagating hardy kiwi, it is helpful to set up the right kind of growing space for the plant. Sow the seeds in a nursery flat filled with a neutral, fast-draining soil. There are several easy ways of spreading that you can develop new plants. You can propagate this plant from seeds or cutting both. Get seeds from the nearest nursery or any online store. For this, softwood can use cutting, budding, seed or grafting. It is preferable to plant from cuttings as better cultivars can be planted that way. Growing Kiwi plants How to grow Kiwi fruit Soil and location. For the first year, main focus should be on straight growth and strong framework instead of focusing on how to cut a kiwi. Kiwi plants require sturdy support systems because they grow into heavy vines. Consider the fact that it takes about seven years for a seed to grow to a fruit-bearing plant, which makes the seed … Kiwi vines grow very well in the full Sun or partial shade, it likes fertile good and well-drained soil, pH level 5.0-7.5 likes. Propagating Kiwi Aeonium from seed is a gamble because the resulting seedlings may not closely resemble the parent plant.