Post-Colonialism and Neo-Colonialism [link]. The Ecological Indian: Myth and History. At the time of colonization, Europe was much more densely populated than the Americas. 2001. Sovereignty is the authority of a state to govern itself. In Environmental Justice: Discourses in International Political Economy, eds. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 82 (3): 369385. which specific portion of the question – an image, a link, the text, etc – your complaint refers to; Vocabulary from the Advanced Placement course of Human Geography regarding political geography . So why is English spoken so widely there? The full slideshow can be purchased at… Heartland and Rimland Theory. Other natural resources and agricultural products were important as well (Pomeranz 2000). Acquisition of deadly diseases from animals continues today, with recent concerns over bird flu and swine flu. Which of these European imperial powers is not correctly matched with an African territory it received in the Berlin Conference or conquered during the Scramble for Africa? But in fact this is a myth, invented by storyteller Washington Irving in 1828. DBHS AP Human Geography 2012-13 Monday, November 5, 2012. Daily Nation, April 2. Advanced Placement Human Geography (also known as AP Human Geo, AP Geography, APHG, AP HuGe, AP HuG, AP Human, or HGAP) is an Advanced Placement social studies course that studies human geography.The test is administered by College Board.. Infringement Notice, it will make a good faith attempt to contact the party that made such content available by 1. 1998. The Richter Scale of Cultural Development was from the television show Star Trek. In The Environmental Justice Reader: Politics, Poetics, and Pedagogy, eds. The difference was that while the Spanish were regrouping, a plague (historians think it was likely smallpox) wiped out many of Tenochtitlan's warriors. Typically, there is a mass migration of people from the colonizing country into the colony. During the two centuries of British rule in India, India's economy was restructured to benefit Britain (Davis 2001). And the hemisphere-wide economic system that had emerged connected Europe into a huge total population of people. Yet in their second assault, they were successful. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 1. Since Papua New Guinea is so poor, they lack the power to say no to the foreign mining company, or to mine the minerals themselves. Test. But economic historians have also identified long-lasting waves of economic growth and decline, lasting several hundred years. Example: Spanish colonialism in the west. 3. Other writers have tried to find something inherent in European culture to explain the difference. AP Human Geography Exam. Native Americans were often skilled fighters, and they quickly took up European weaponry, but they remained largely dependent on trade with European allies to keep up in the arms race. Explain how colonialism a±ected global paTerns of language and religion using speci²c examples to support your argument. London: Longman. Nunn, N., and L. Wantchekon. The effects of four centuries of slave trade on Africa are still apparent, a mere century and a half after its end. And if the white race is not biologically distinct from other races, then we cant explain the economic growth of Europe on the basis of biological characteristics. Looking at Figure 1, we know that certain parts of our world have been at the forefront of economic growth, becoming the core of the capitalist world economy. We can think of World Systems Theory as making several core propositions (Frank 1998, Chase-Dunn and Hall 1997): 1. The end of formal colonialism is usually dated to the mid-1800s for the Western Hemisphere, and the mid-1900s for the Eastern. University of Washington-Seattle Campus... University of South Florida-Main Campus, Current Undergrad, International Studies. Initial attempts to use Native American labor were disappointing, as so many of them had died of diseases. This was in part triggered by the Black Plague. Examples of Empires. This was done uncooperatively though the so-called “Scramble for Africa” and cooperatively with the Berlin Conference in 1884-1885. AP Human Geography Unit 3 FRQs 1. Today there is fear among some political players that China's rapid economic growth is giving them the means to compete with the US, Japan, and Europe in manipulating poorer countries (Brautigam 2010). As trade routes began to grow again, European rulers and merchants committed themselves to capturing more of the trade surplus -- to becoming less of a semiperiphery and more of a core part of the world economic system. 5 Shapes of Countries. Structure of contemporary political map. The World System: Five Hundred or Five Thousand Years? The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. mining). Many countries bear crushing debt burdens which are owed to ex-colonizer countries, forcing them to continue producing for the world market and making them vulnerable to demands from international creditors. hunting or native forms of agriculture) (Smith 2007). These raw materials fed the manufacturers of Europe, easing resource constraints that had grown as Europe's economy expanded. The unreliability of India's climate had led native princes to develop systems to accumulate and store food during good years, and redistribute that food in bad ones. China's economy ran on a silver standard, and so economic growth created an enormous hunger for silver. One of the perennial questions in the social sciences is to explain "the rise of the West." Examples of colonialism include the ancient Greek colonization of Sicily, the Spanish colonization of South America, the Viking colonization of Normandy and the British colonization of Australia. 101 S. Hanley Rd, Suite 300 the "Pax Britannica" established in Africa (Watts 1986). World Ecological Degradation: Accumulation, Urbanization, and Deforestation 3000 B.C.-A.D. 2000. as Explanation: “Environmental determinism” is a theory of cultural geography that states that cultural traditions, and the differences between various cultures, are informed by environmental concerns.This had racial connotations during the age of European colonialism. My Geography teacher has started an experiment which involves me writing about what I have learnt in my lessons and about any geographical news that interests me. Human Development Index. Placing race in environmental justice research in Latin America. Home Embed All AP Human Geography Resources . In Handbook of Cultural Geography, eds. AP Human Geography: Political Geography Vocabulary. BioScience 46 (2): 115-126. Slave traders naturally preferred able-bodied young men and women, who were the productive backbone of pre-slave-trade African economies. Environment 37 (7): 3-5, 42-43. Pre-colonial economies in many areas were oriented toward production for local subsistence. Colonialism also created ideological subordination. This often leads to mistreatment of the original inhabitants, degradation of the local environment, and introduction of previously unknown diseases. Blaut, J. M. 1993. 5. This meant that they had a lot of land to give away, but were at a distinct military disadvantage against inland tribes who had not been hit so hard, and thus they wanted allies. Colonialism: Colonialism refers to the act of a group of people from one nation going to other parts of the world and forming settlements. Imperialism. As the silver flowed toward China, a variety of commodities -- textiles, spices, ceramics, and others -- flowed back toward Europe. 4. Colonialism is a process by which a country takes over new land, and reorganizes that land's economy to benefit the colonizing power, rather than to benefit the residents of the colony. Finally, the American colonies provided a captive market for European manufactured goods (Blaut 1993). Cultural Geography Historic Cultures Indigenous cultures shaped, and were shaped by, the geography of Australia and Oceania. A disease that is too slow to infect new victims will disappear, as everyone who has it dies or gets better without passing it on to new victims. Barnard College, Current Undergrad, Mathematics-Statistics, Political Science. While they were set up as colonies, the wholesale transfer of the European way of life to these areas enabled them to become rivals to the European homelands, and even, in the case of the US, capture the status of global economic core. The Americas, on the other hand, had huge untapped deposits of silver. Yet at the same time, the increased economic activity generated by the influx of American silver and other resources, as well as a population boom fueled by new American crops like potatoes and maize, was causing the economies of China and India -- the old cores -- to expand too (Frank 1998). One mechanism was taxation (Watts 1983). 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