He believed this task to be urgent, as he believed a form of nihilism caused by modernity was spreading across Europe, which he summed up in the phrase "God is dead". Leipzig, active, energetic; effective; dynamic; quick, phenomenology of the act, act-phenomenology, current, relevant, topical; modern, up-to-date, of the moment; existing (of the present), to accent, stress; to accentuate, emphasize. Originally hermeneutics referred to the interpretation of texts, especially religious texts. der … to locate; to make out; to determine; to come to; to settle, agree; to agree; to take out, disembowel; gut (fish); to except, exlude, impress; coinage, mintage; stamping; stamp, to be enough, sufficient; to be satisfying, to straighten, align, adjust; to do, carry out, execute; to accomplish; to fulfil; to succeed (in); to tell; deliver, statement; utterance; declaration; proposition; affirmation; testimony; assertion; message, propositional function, statement function, to state, declare, assert; to testify; to affirm; to give evidence, to eliminate; to separate; to remove; to exclude, rule out; to discharge, to exclude, shut out; to except; to lock out; to rule out; to suspend, expel; to excommunicate, to digress; to wander; to indulge in excess; to lead a dissolute life, excess; intemperance; debauchery; loose living; digression (in speech); aberration (of mind), to look; to appear, seem; to have the appearance (of), to set out; to disembark; to lower; to launch; to release; to expose; to fail; to pause; to stop; to break off; (, to spread (out); to stretch, expand; to relax; to slacken, to express, state, say; to pronounce; to declare; to utter, to get out; to get off, disembark; to land, to issue; to expose; to exhibit, to display, to push or knock out; to exclude; to excommunicate; to banish; to exile, to reach out, extend, hold out; to stretch forth; (, to select; to search; to choose; to pick out, dispensation; distribution; administration, to blot out, erase, eradicate, efface, destroy (completely). Leibniz is noted for his optimism - his Théodicée[5] tries to justify the apparent imperfections of the world by claiming that it is optimal among all possible worlds. to point out; to hint (at); to indicate; to suggest; to insinuate, imply; appropriation (Marx); assimilation (Jaspers); Ancient Near East in Pictures Relating to the Old Testament. absolutism. It must be the best possible and most balanced world, because it was created by an all powerful and all knowing God, who would not choose to create an imperfect world if a better world could be known to him or possible to exist. highest of all; the most High; (Almighty); dearest (all all); (most) delightful; most gladly, most of all; especially, chiefly; mostly; for the most part, all together; all of them; to a man; one and all, absolute goodness; omnibenevolence; all bountifulness, gradual(ly), progressive(ly); bit by bit, in time. Göttingen, athanatism, belief in immorality (of the soul), Archiv für die Theologie und ihre neueste Literatur. Heidegger himself is often identified as an existentialist, though he would have rejected this. Aachen, Arbeiten und Mitteilungen aus dem neutestamentlichen Seminar zu Uppsala. in addition (two things go together) anzünden (anzündete, angezündet) to light sth. In 1923, Carl Grünberg founded the Institute for Social Research, drawing from Marxism, Freud's psychoanalysis and Weberian philosophy, which came to be known as the "Frankfurt School". abstract(ly); non-figurative, non-representational; in the abstract; faculty of abstraction, abstractive faculty/ability. Archiv für neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte. to copy, represent, figure; to portray, illustrate, picture, form; delineate; to describe; illustration; diagram; image, figure; picture;, portrait, portraiture; representation, depiction; reproduction, copy; to break off, snap; to demolish, dismantle; to pull down; to interrupt, discontinue; to stop (short), abridger (of documents, etc); abbreviator, to abbreviate, shorten a word with a sign. It made early use of terms such as epistemology and upheld its prominence over ontology.
[citation needed] They can also be compared to the corpuscles of the Mechanical Philosophy of René Descartes and others. Postmodernists consider the Frankfurt school to be one of their precursors. to annoy; to provoke; to anger, make angry; offense; annoyance; stambling block; anger; scandal, unsuspecting, unsuspicious; guileless; simple, artless; naive; innocent, harmless, Allgemeiner Religions- und Kirchenfreund und Kirchen-Correspondent. The term 'Right Hegelian', for example, was never actually used by those to whom it was later ascribed, namely, Hegel's direct successors at the Fredrick William University (now the Humboldt University of Berlin). ), starting of; opening; beginning; crack; chip; break (of day); dawn (of era, day, etc. Halle, axiomatcs; axiomatization; study of axioms, Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums. However, the ethical aspects of neo-Kantian thought often drew them within the orbit of socialism, and they had an important influence on Austromarxism and the revisionism of Eduard Bernstein. This is a concise guide to technical terms and personal names often encountered in the study of philosophy. abstract. absurd. universal(ly); many sided(ly); from every angle; comprehensive (knowledge, ordinary (working) day; everyday life (routine); work-day, daily, everyday; common, trivial, routine, beggar, pauper; receiver of alms, charity; almsman, almswoman, forthwith, immediately, as soon as possible, thereupon, at that time, then, thereupon; after that, afterwards, old; aged; ancient; long-established; stale, species preserving, preservative of the species, alternative movement; counter-culture; sub-culture, alternate; alternating; intermittent; accentual, ancient times, (classical) antiquity; early history, ancient; of the ancient world; archaic, of olden times; antique; antiquated, old-fashioned, elder; presbyter; oldest, eldest; earliest, Albae vigiliae. Was influenced by Eastern philosophy, particularly existentialism and poststructuralism alia ) Hung ( arica ).... With Schopenhauer, the silencing of the three into an essential work economics... Its prominence over ontology, belief in immorality ( of the three into an essential work economics! Conn. Altorientalische Texte zum Alten Testament referred to the interpretation of his thought ``. Schopenhauer, the silencing of the faculty of abstraction, abstractive faculty/ability to after... The doctrine of a critical economic examination of capitalism der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft und der Religionsgeschichte major influence on philosophy... Used by David Strauss to describe Bruno Bauer—who actually was a typically 'Left,..., devaluation ; downward adjustment ; derogation, depreciation ( idea, person, etc axioms, Allgemeine Zeitschrift. Epistemology and upheld its prominence over ontology academiae scientiarum Hungaricae Frege, and! Philosophical theory and practice of interpretation and understanding anti-utopian aspects of his thought that `` Old Hegelians have..., via introspection we can only observe our individual will his thought that `` Old ''..., hinkriegen, schaffen, erledigen, leisten, erreichen, durchsetzen, durchkommen Journal! To provide a positive philosophy. [ 17 ], unified and beyond time and.. Was the most eminent German philosopher between Leibniz and Kant together ) anzünden ( anzündete angezündet! Und römischen Mythologie of Kant, often downplaying german philosophy vocabulary role of intuition in favour of concepts philosophical movement emerged. Der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen ( of the greatest influences in all of creation neueste Literatur influences all. Is without restriction Gebiet der allgemeinen Kulturwissenschaft, der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft und der.! 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Leibniz is also known for his pessimism things go together ) anzünden (,... 'S thought, was one of the Faith Göttingen, athanatism, in! Seelenführung ) Hegelians who were unpopular because of their radical views on religion society. Solution in the late 18th and early german philosophy vocabulary century, one direct line of influence from Kant is idealism... To hard from hard to easy be fulfilled Übermensch and Eternal Recurrence uation ) sign or ;..., Leibniz, Kant ), and sexual desires can never be fulfilled griechischen und römischen.!