I mean you can. Being Dark Angels, we did not receive the nerf that Space Marines did with the Phobos warlord traits in their codex. We think the choice is clear, so we’ve helpfully started all those sections at their “Goofus” setting. Roll a 6 and 1? This was prior to the +1S +1W buff, so I had to really make their shots count. With my old list being practically stomped into the ground by points increases I've been forced to completley reevaluate my strategy. Incorrect, they are no longer cool at all. Inceptors with 10d3 shots that hit on 2s and that you can overcharge without any fear of dying? Whatever the opposite of synergy is, that’s what this book is built around. A Specialist Detachment from the first Vigilus book, useful only for the stratagems. For one, the company Vets don’t do shit, they’re only there because I had points left over and needed to fill out the Vanguard – this is more CP than I ever needed in the first place, and a waste of points. A Dartripulsor Plasmexecutiongels list is probably not the best, but it may just be the Most Dark Angels.ConclusionGoofusThere’s a reason the Dark Angels are called the Unforgiven. Theirs are AP-1.Sometimes it’s hard being the good* guy. Chapter Tactic- Grim Resolve. Just take Mind Wipe and Aversion and forget the rest exist. Do you know what that means? Credit: Greg Chiasson. The list was 2000 points prior to the new Space Marine book upgrades and now lands at 1976 points. Just think about it... We will be able to field again a Ravenwing or Deathwing army if we wish! Being in a world of 2W Inceptors was hard, but they did their job. Finally, I’ve had a lot of people ask me about how the Gravis Armor Captain did, and why I gave him the Shroud of Heroes instead of the Heavenfall Blade. The other half of Grim Resolve is if you didn’t move you can re-roll 1s to hit when shooting. I killed Knights. I killed a Tau Riptide through his drones and a 3++ invulnerable. Reading and understanding the rules is important, and the responsibility of every user. Essentially the game plan was: I played against some great players, and the same four-Knight player twice. This subreddit is for the discussion of competitive play, national, regional and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Warhammer catalogue. So you have a 50/50 shot of your Intercessor or Terminator leader being half dead now, but you’ll be getting 4 gross as hell attacks that hit on 3s, which isn’t nothing. Finally, since they are infantry, if anyone was brave enough to deep strike within 12″ of them, they made amazing Auspex Scan targets, dumping those 10d3 plasma shots into whoever was reckless enough to get close. I don’t think I’ll be able to leave home without them again. Not only that, put. But, RAW, it’s correct.). If you go buck wild (and have the CP for it), Overcharging and WotDA-ing, this is possibly 2d6 shots at 3 damage when moving under half, compared to 4 shots at d6 (min 3) damage. Brilliant Strategist, Warlord, . Press J to jump to the feed. Then watch those Inceptors die.Turn 3: Repeat Inceptor trade. It’s time for a Faction Focus on some of our favourite robed Space Marines, the Dark Angels! Besides Mind Wipe and Aversion I just can’t. You also have a few that are unit-specific, and in typical fashion, they are specific to units that suck. To afford those I dropped my 10 man squad of hellblasters, intent on using WOTDA on the black knights instead. Greetings brothers of the Rock, Been reading the rumors for 9th edition just made me realize that (propably) 9th Edition will make Dark Angels REALLY GOOD! For example, Deathwing Terminators get one to shoot immediately after arriving from Deep Strike, but you should not be running Deathwing Terminators in the first place, except for Knights, who don’t have guns. Literally a couple, there are two. To aid us in finding out what the Dark Angels have locked away for the new edition, we’re joined by playtester Jesse Sell. This is basically what every game will feel like: soaring, then slumping, then cratering. I scored pretty average each round, scoring 20 – 28 every game.One thing I am sure you noticed, is that I am using no Dark Angels unique units here. Your call, really.It’s certainly possible to drop a jet or two and stuff in more RepExes, to run the dreaded Tripulsor Executioners. Except Sammy in his speeder. Look into the Phobos Warlord traits via the Vanguard Supplement in Shadow Spear. Just take plasma Inceptors so you have a chance to even use your guns. Here's the screenshot. 5x Deathwing Knight: 5x Mace of Absolution, 5x Storm shield, Ravenwing Apothecary [5 PL, 65pts]: 5. Your chapter tactic does two things, one utterly useless and the other only mostly useless. Congratulations, weirdos, you got your own special type of wizard, and wouldn’t you know it, he mostly sucks! We’re focused more on “Why you shouldn’t and hown’t play Dark Angels”, since the real trap choice is the army itself, but maybe there’s a couple of gems hiding away in there. One thing I am sure you noticed, is that I am using no Dark Angels unique units here. For one, the company Vets don’t do shit, they’re only there because I had points left over and needed to fill out the Vanguard – this is more CP than I ever needed in the first place, and a waste of points. Take that, you darn space elves! Then watch those Inceptors die. With my old list being practically stomped into the ground by points increases I've been forced to completley reevaluate my strategy. I scored pretty average each round, scoring 20 – 28 every game.One thing I am sure you noticed, is that I am using no Dark Angels unique units here. New Dark Angels 9th Edition List . Some units to grace with this dubious honor: Replace his Crozius with a power maul, and replace that with the Relic mace (S+3, d3 Damage), then nominate him to fight the Space Wolf chump. As all of you know, this model is going to be everywhere. Something to be mentioned here is taking 3 TH/SS termies and 7 storm bolter ones. ++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Dark Angels) [79 PL, 4CP, 1,545pts] ++, Interrogator-Chaplain [6 PL, 110pts]: Bolt pistol, Jump Pack, Mantra of Strength, Ravenwing Talonmaster [9 PL, 180pts]: 1. Dark Angels lists are inevitably going to end up looking a lot like any other Marines, for the obvious reason that they are Marines. I don’t think I’ll be able to leave home without them again. This isn’t a bad list, but there’s some problems. Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Redemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 181pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Heavy flamer, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, . Buff your Plasma-cutioners, buff your Inceptors, buff your trash plasma gun Veterans jumping out of a drop pod. The only truly good, unique models in our book is Sammy on a Speeder, and Talonmasters. The plan is for raven/deathwing to act as a distraction while my greenwing attempts to move up the board slowly, providing fire support and dropping off Intercessor squads to cap objectives as they go.