Pratyahara helps you focus on your internal states, whether of body or mind. In this form of breathing, a humming sound is generated during a slow exhalation, resembling the sound produced by a buzzing bee. Benefits of Bharamari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath) Bhramari pranayama calms the nerves and reduces tension and anxiety. It helps to reduce anger and frustrations. Bhramari, or “Bee’s Breath,” is an effective technique to begin your daily meditation. Bhramari pranayama will help control the blood pressure. “Prana” is Breath or vital energy in the body. In Sanskrit, bhramari is also called bramar and bramar = humming bee. It is a very effective breathing technique for people suffering from hypertension as it calms down the agitated mind. It will build confidence. It gives the practitioner a good sonorous voice. It is described and advised in almost all the health cases and for recovery. Bhramari is a Sanskrit word that means bee. Pranayama : Anulomvilom, Ujjayi, Bhramari has a lot of benefits on physical & mental body. The mind becomes free of thoughts. Hypertension gets relieved. Increases concentration power. Bhramari pranayama Impacts the brain with a soothing effect. It can also help remove throat ailments. Benefits Of Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath) Instant way to relieve tension, anger and anxiety. Benefits of Bhramari Pranayama:-As discussed, bhramari pranayama is highly beneficial and a very good thing for health. This humming sound is relaxing for a racing mind. On subtle levels prana represents the pranic energy responsible for life or life force and “ayama” means control. Bhramari pranayama will give you instant relief from the stress and anxiety. Bhramari pranayama is a good prelude to the practice of Nada yoga. It is very beneficial for headaches, migraine, and sinusitis sufferers. Following we will be discussing about the health benefits of Bhramari pranayama- With the regular practice, it soothes your mind and aids in stress management. The technique is named with this word because of the humming bee sound that one makes. when we don’t have time for a full asana practice we can do these 3 most effective pranayama.. Pranayama is control of the Breathing. It helps to reduce blood pressure. With this Pranayama, thinking becomes positive and intelligence develops. Its overall effect is to draw the senses inward, what is known in yoga literature as “Pratyahara,” or sense withdrawal (one of the 8 Limbs of Classical Yoga). This sound is created after a deep inhalation and then releasing the air through the nostril while making a light humming sound. To practice Bhramari pranayama without adding to anxiety do not force the breath beyond your capacity. Due to humming sound … Benefits of Bhramri Pranayam. Bhramari Pranayama is very beneficial in removing fear, anxiety, sleeplessness, anger, and all other mental disorders.