4. It's a shame. It’s a winner-take-all system. 5. 2. In western countries, joint custody has been main stream. The typical 'deal' in Japan is that, upon divorce, the father pays nothing for … Joint custody will never happen in Japan. Natural parents do not have priority in future custody changes. However, it is pointed out that Japan’s views on joint custody are different from the views of western countries, and because of this, there are other things Japan needs to do before introducing a system of joint custody. Calls are mounting that Japan allow for joint custody of children after the divorce or separation of their parents — as opposed to awarding sole custody to either parent, which is … So until they make a fuss, Gaijin dads have no say. Joint custody is illegal in Japan. Japanese court orders for custody are not enforceable. Japanese courts do not recognize foreign custody orders. Japan’s inability to deal with child abduction partly stems from archaic family law in Japan that does not recognize joint custody. The Japan Times states that experts in Japan have been skeptical about the benefits of complete joint custody because the child is tossed back and forth between the parents for their own benefit. 3. The reaction of a Gaijin dad who hasn't seen his kids is totally different that a Japanese dad. 6. Japanese father's are too proud to complain and don't want to show weakness or gain sympathy. Discrimination against non-Japanese in granting child custody.